Saturday, July 15, 2006

DAY 9 Sacramento, CA

eeeeeee-oooooh. That was a long drive. or, ride i should say. but, i watched 9 episodes of LOST season 2. it was awesome. cried a little, not gonna lie. I always cry at the dumbest times for the dumbest things. there's a fun sethy fact. But yeah, that passed 7 hours of the trip. so awesome. We got up at 7:30am this morning. or, i did. i think everyone else got up earlier. I accidently let a cat out of the house and Scott and i chased after it. I found out after the monstrously huge cat scratched my tummy that they were allowed to go outside. At least i got a souvenir, right? nope.

So this is my first time in California since 1985. So this time i'm going to remember it. i'm pretty stoked, tomorrow we'll be in anaheim playing at chain reaction. Right now we're in Roseville, a Sacremento suburb, playing at a place called the underground. It is a falsity. it's totally not underground. it's on top of a hill. I'm pretty zoned out right now. i think the drive/ lack of sleep/ 7 hours of watching a tv show/ being bummed about isreal/ worrying about my friends at home and abroad/ family bummers are all ingredients in the lethargy cocktail bumming my shit out. but i'm going to stay stoked on life. i'm in california, how awesome is that? plus, just had jamba juice. i'm juiced. okay, i think this show is about to start, so i'm gonna start doing my dudily duties behind the merch table.

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