Thursday, July 27, 2006

DAY 21, Orlando, FL

We drove last night from West Palm to Orlando, I'm glad we did because we're staying with Sammy's friend who is ultra cool and ultra chill. Today we've taken it really easy. Got to sleep in, then just ran some errands - faxed sound scans, got an oil change, ate some chipotle, and then on the way back to the apartment had our hearts broken by the moe's we didn't seen on our way to the chipotle. Moes is so good. Chipotle and Qdoba just can't compete with it. Today is Jarod from Brandtson's birthday, i'm going to give him a wedgie. Not really. They had to do a Van's in-store, i wonder how that went. The Umbrellas record Dropped two days ago, did I say that yet? Tons of reviews and interviews up. It's kinda a cool to see all of that. I gotta say, I'm really proud of Scott and his music. If y'ant, you can stream it here and pick it up at pretty much any store.
welp, gotta go to the show. Papa Bear is saying it's time to go.

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