Sunday, July 09, 2006

DAY 3, Denver CO

We had the day off today, just a driving day. I spent most of the afternoon writing out the Omaha blog, which i just finished transcribing moments ago. Today was an 8 hour drive through Nebraska and Colorado, pretty taxing. Papa Bear (Scott, who I've endearingly titled) took the reigns like a champ and drove the whole way. Actually, i don't think anyone else has driven besides him. What a hero. We got to my sister's house at 6:00pm, I love it here. This is actually the first time I've gotten to see Emily and Jeff's new house, which they've lived in for over three years. They kindly made us dinner, and the girls (Ashley 9 and Lindsay 8) warmed up to the dudes pretty quick. Natalie is so cute. I love babies. As long I get to hand them back to their owners. I look forward to tommorrow. I'm stoked about the next day too, I've never been to Utah. But, I should save that for that day's blog. Hope yall's is doin good.


Patches Mortimer said...

I uhh, will be in Denver in 6 days. Leave me something and I will find it. Don't leave a used clitty pad.

memo57 said...

Yeah okay, so the pad story was pretty disgusting. I hope things are otherwise going well for yous guys. I put a post on shoes are for work re: your tour this morning with a couple of tracks from the Militia Group sampler, Kumquats & Apricots. Take care!