Saturday, July 29, 2006

DAY 23 Columbia, SC

Morale is low.

I have a cold.

Scott's not feeling well.

One of the back doors on the van won't open.

Morale was low, until we got to this house. We're staying with one Jude's friends, her name is Traci and she lives with her parents. This place is amazing. It's on a lake, her mom made me some hot tea to help me feel better. They have a cute kitty.

And, the show was awesome tonight. Tons of kids, cool venue and it was just all around fun. I just wish I didn't feel so gross. Hopefully a good nights sleep after a warm shower will do the trick.

Hopefully our door problem will get worked out tomorrow, we have a short drive so i'm sure we'll get to.

So I can't believe we only have five shows left. It simultaneously feels like we've been out for a really long time and then like we've only been out for a few days. It's so strange. It's gonna be over in no time. Sadness ensues.

DAY 22 Jacksonville, FL

So, all four of our Florida dates have been/are within 30 minutes of the Format, Rainer Maria, Anathallo tour. That's really taken a toll on possible audiance attendence. I've gotta say that last night in Orlando was the weirdest show i've ever played. It was at a really cool venue, but they started it at 5:30pm, on a Thursday. So weird. Needless to say, not many came. I played possibly the worst I ever have. I completely screwed up the beginning of our first song. That threw a wrench in the rest of the evening for me. That's okay, I can roll. Everybody has off nights. Or afternoons in this show's case. Maybe that's the what did it, playing while the sun is still fully blazing outside. We stayed with Chris again, Sammy's highschool buddy that's studying at full sail. He's a chill bro and very kind to let us stay there two nights in a row. We watched the Ali G movie, definitely not as good as the tv show but it had its moments. Wait, i'm supposed to be talking about Jacksonville, not Orlando.

Jacksonville was ehh. I had fun playing for sure, but once again the Format was playing 1.3 miles away. I don't think there's enough people in Jacksonville to handle more than one show in one night. Post show was so tight. We got some brews, got to go swimming and hung out on a pier. The nice girls we stayed with had this cute dog that didn't have any fur! it was like petting a shark. So cute. Oh, and we had a late night trip to Waffle House, that was way awesome.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

DAY 21, Orlando, FL

We drove last night from West Palm to Orlando, I'm glad we did because we're staying with Sammy's friend who is ultra cool and ultra chill. Today we've taken it really easy. Got to sleep in, then just ran some errands - faxed sound scans, got an oil change, ate some chipotle, and then on the way back to the apartment had our hearts broken by the moe's we didn't seen on our way to the chipotle. Moes is so good. Chipotle and Qdoba just can't compete with it. Today is Jarod from Brandtson's birthday, i'm going to give him a wedgie. Not really. They had to do a Van's in-store, i wonder how that went. The Umbrellas record Dropped two days ago, did I say that yet? Tons of reviews and interviews up. It's kinda a cool to see all of that. I gotta say, I'm really proud of Scott and his music. If y'ant, you can stream it here and pick it up at pretty much any store.
welp, gotta go to the show. Papa Bear is saying it's time to go.

DAY 20 West Palm, FL

I totally got some good Z's in the van today. That usually never happens just because i don't sleep well at 75 miles an hour. West palm was a pretty city. Lots of boob jobs and the rest of the plastic surgery that goes along with it. Not something I'm used to seeing. The show was weird, not many people, gross ass bathroom. But, it was fun playing, as always. And the other bands played well too. Jolie and Geronimo who were originally in the Rocking Horse Winner came out, it was cool to meet them. They were very nice, and used to be in a really killer band. I took a nice head clearing walk down to the water, though there was no beach, just a retaining wall. It was still nice. Orlando tomorrow, DIDNEY LANN!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

DAY 19 Tampa, FL

Okay, okay, so I'm full aware the blog has taken a turn for the worst. I update when i'm tired, worn out, and rushed. It's getting boring, repetive, lame. I'm also aware that this blog is linked from a couple different sources, so I need to step it up a notch. less spelling errors. More grammatical awareness. This knowledge of a possible plethura of readers (compared to what I'm used to) also has caused a recent shyness of expression. I'm sort of scared of stepping on anybody's toes. But i can promise you, no more.
So that's what I aim to do. Live hard. Hang Hard. Blog Harder. I feel like i started out strong and then sort of lost momentum. I have nine days left of Umbrellas and then six days of Student Film left of tour. This is the Third Act, I have time to redeem myself. Well here I come. Prepare to Laugh, cry and gossip. Prepare to do all three in a trifecta of symbiotic hardness. Prepare to tell your friends about what a genius I am. At least prepare to tell your friends something. Anything.

So we played Tampa Florida tonight, Ybor City to be precise. Pretty tight show, a decent crowd with a decent amount with expendable income. The drink ticket layout was pretty good too. I got three free boddingtons. That was awesome. Brandtson's girlfriend's drove into town to suprise them, all the way from Ohio! They'll evidently be on the next six dates of tour with us, monopolizing all of their time. Although, i can't say i wouldn't be totally stoked if my girlfriend suprised me with a visit on tour. that would be the bombDOTcom. I miss Amanda dearly.

So I posted a lot of pictures, as you totally noticed. In addition to adding more, I'll go back and pick a few to comment on, for instance, the one i took of the couple of hormonalized teens dry humping after our set, during Vedera's set. Now that's a great story. Go though and try to find the picture. The look on the dude's face is priceless.

We're currently staying at a guy named Alex's house, a friend of Scott's. this place is badass. MFBA. More movies and television series than I've ever seen. Currently screening Wet Hot American Summer. So good.

So Jude was originally made at me for rubbing of Southern "DANG" on him, well now i resent him of his New Jersey "SOO GOOOOD" that I currently overuse.

Well, this is the latest I've stayed up on tour, definitely time to hit the hay. Thanks for staying tuned.



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Monday, July 24, 2006


these are in no order, with no rhyme or reason. enjoy!

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