Friday, October 05, 2007

10/04/07 Midland, TX

Oh glorious audio books. Thank you for your wondrous time passing abilities. Scott and I listened to about three and half hours of Robert Evan's autobiography The Kid Stays In The Picture on our way through Barren Wasteland New Mexico on our way to Midland Texas. Robert Evans was a radio voice turned actor turned studio executive turned producer from the 50's through the 80's. And man are his stories crazy. Patton Oswald has a hilarious bit on Feelin' Kinda Patton about Bob Evans on ESPN. I can't do it any justice here so if you haven’t heard it just agree with me. There is not much going on in Midland. I think high school football was invented here, i think I heard someone say that. We’re playing a little college in a conference room. Pretty strange. The kids are nice though. We did not find anywhere to stay so we’re, much to our chagrin, drive through the night to San Antonio. Seven hour drive from Albuquerque to Midland, five and a half from Midland to San Antonio. I think Scott and I could be truck drivers, I’d be his wingman and we’d learn new languages and listen to books on pod.

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