Sunday, April 22, 2007


Lawrence KS, Day OFF

Woke up with a near migraine today, I was bummed about that. I don't know where it came from, I haven't drank heavily at all this tour. Maybe just from being awake too much and not eating enough. The shower, 600 milligrams of advil and food did the trick though. Drove to Lawrence today, It was a very nice drive, a little windy. I can't believe how many "ADULT SUPERSTORES" there are in this state. They all advertise that they sell shoes too. Who's going to buy a rubber giner and shoes on the same trip? Weirds. Now we're at Kyle Sheline and Eric Von Massay's digs. Such a rad town with rad doods in a rad house. I am enjoying myself quite a lot. very tired but that's okay, i will get some serious rest over the next two days. These dads I am in a band with just get up way too early for me. Might go to Blue Collar Press tomorrow, I'm stoked to see another screen printing shop other than ours! we're going to see ted leo tomorrow night as well, that should be way fun. i'll keep you updated!
be well my friends.


Jessica said...

A rubber giner and shoes? That's why I drive up to Kansas...wait..that's normal, right?

Patches Mortimer said...

I just read this article that says migraine sufferers may have less memory loss when they get old:

this is brandon w, by the by, i'm on my super-secret handle.
