Wednesday, August 02, 2006

DAY 25, Charlotte, NC DAY OFF

We're spending two nights at the Ho Jo (the endearing term for the Howard Johnson motel establishment) pretty nast. But, cheap. Our day off has been relatively uneventful. We went and saw a movie. Bad idea. Lady In The Water is pure straight trash. M. Night Shamalammadingdong has been losing his touch systematically since the Sixth Sense, but now his touch is officially gone. And his acting skills were never there. It's too bad. Plus, there went 3/4ths of my per diem down the drain on a crappy movie. But, can't totally complain, there was amazing air conditioning. that was definitely killer to sit in for two hours. But i would have rather watched two dung beetles build a poop house then that movie.

Then there was some swimming done in the Ho Jo pool, i did not partake, something about it just sort of skeeed me out. I think it was the stuff in the water that looked like belly button lint. But I did soak my feet. It's just been a chill day, which has been nice. But staying in one place for more than 24 hours starts to feel really weird when we are often in places for anywhere from 8 to 16 hours.

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